Monday, September 30, 2019

Here we go again

    Well here it is the fall of 2019... the past couple of years have been difficult ones with personal health issues which haven't entirely disappeared but I am doing much better.
    My Mom has come to live with me after a stint in an Assisted Living home (caused by a broken hip)  where she didn't do well after a lifetime of living on her own.... I suppose after 98 years of taking care of yourself its hard to adjust to the loss of control over your life. At any rate this has caused many changes in my life adjusting to be her care giver. As a result between my own health issues and the added responsibilities of looking after my Mom, trading has taken a definite back seat.
     I have been trying to get back in the swing of the market this past month doing paper trades etc and in general trying to familiarize  myself with the current market conditions... some things change some things stay the same. One major goal in the next month is to have an office space reno'd in my basement so I can set up my monitors and other things the way that works best for me rather than fighting for space all the time. Also, to have a private space separate from the rest of the house..... and maybe even a new
    Hoping to be trading full time again by the end of October.... in the mean time I have begun to post watch lists to again... still a bit sporadic with them but working to be more consistent.

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